2023-07-04 13:46

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Trade Unions Urged To Support Only Health & Safety Resource Left Following TUC Ending Support for TUC Risks

Readers of this website will know that the TUC has ended its support for TUC Risks Newsletter which was in affect one of the only two major publications supporting Union Safety Reps and Trade Unions - Hazards Magazine and TUC Risks both edited by Rory O'Neill.

With both financial constraints and the pulling of sponsorship by Thompsons Solicitors, the TUC made the difficult choice to pull support for TUC Risks. This without advanced notice and before a new sponsor could be found.

See here for details.

Hazards Campaign is the major and only organisation in England which provides full support for Union Safety Reps and Trade Unions with up to date H&S news, analysis, research, and major campaigns such as International Workers Memorial Day, Asbestos removal from schools and workplaces, Accurate reporting of deaths and injuries at work, and lobbying TUC and other bodies with regard to health and safety at work in general. It also has an international flavour, highlighting major health and safety issues across the world.

Hazards is by far a crucial and unique resource for not only trade unions and their safety reps, but is increasingly within the political and employers sphere of influence; as it supplies unrivaled research and news on all areas of not only heath & Safety at work, but also with insights into employee relations, safer and happier workplaces which lead to increased productivity which is currently the worst in Europe.

Hazards does all this with a small number of staff and limited financial resources:

Hazards Magazine is an invaluable tool of knowledge for all Union Safety Reps and their TRade Unions irrespective of the industry in which they operate. Providing in depth articles, free of technical and legal jargon; the sources for the article are always authoritative and sourced.

By clicking on the image of the worker above, you can download the information in PDF format.

Clicking on the subscribe and email links within the image will access the subscription page of Hazards, and allow you to send an email regarding subscription if you prefer.

Just a sample of some of Hazards Magazine Special Reports

You can go to the specific special report by clicking on the individual image above.

This will take you to the Hazards Magazine website from which you can them access all of the current and archived reports and news items.

Source: Hazards / TUC

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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